Another important practice to apply at this time for New York State businesses is to review your commercial property insurance policies. It is critical that as a business-owner you understand what coverage is provided by your policy regarding business interruption. Your insurance broker can best explain your coverage benefits to you, including whether your business interruption coverage has an exemption for epidemics and pandemics. At this time, reviewing your policy and filing a claim with your insurance company may potentially compensate you for losses sustained during interruption. Most coverage plans do not consider fear of exposure to COVID-19 sufficient to enact interruption coverage but it is worth inquiring to find out if a claim may be filed. For cases of business interruption, where expenses incurred, or liability was sustained, business owners are advised to contact their insurance companies to determine their coverage.
We are closely monitoring this rapidly developing situation to best serve the needs of our clients. Employers are encouraged to contact Sinayskaya Yuniver, P.C with specific legal questions regarding COVID-19. We will continue to provide legislative developments via our website, email updates, and on our social media platforms.